As SPOR SANAYİ, in every area where we operate;

  • To meet the standards set by all relevant laws and regulations.
  • To reduce the use of natural resources and gravitate towards the use of recyclable and reusable materials as much as possible.
  • To minimize wastes from our services and other activities in every situation and in every field.
  • To pay attention to environmental considerations when making investment decisions.
  • To be prudent and cautious in all our activities regarding the environmental impacts of these.
  • To develop an environmental management system and ensure that this system is effective and up-to-date.
  • Reducing Emergency Risks.
  • To ensure that all personnel are trained in environmental protection.
  • To fulfill all requirements of ""ISO 14001 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM"".
  • To advise and suggest third parties, our suppliers and subcontractors in our business to implement environmental standards similar to our system.
  • To continuously improve our Environmental Management System, prevent pollution we caused in the environment. Environment Management System is our Policy.